
第四部分:. Adsv - 207
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 19年6月25日



In the event an 免除员工 is to be removed or chooses to leave an exempt position, the President shall have the option of reassignment, rather than dismissal of the 免除员工. 向主席提供这一选择的理由如下:

  1. To allow the President the flexibility of reorganizing the College administration 不解雇豁免员工.
  2. To allow an 免除员工 to be reassigned as an academic employee following an 免除任命. 被调任学术职位的免职员工,应 placed on the academic employee salary schedule with full credit for experience (exempt and academic related) and academic preparation, and shall retain all seniority rights 累算权益.
  3. To encourage a qualified academic employee to accept an 免除任命 by ensuring the academic employee the right to return to his/her previous position should she/he 请求这样做.
  4. 遵守《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》第28B条的规定.50.860,上面说一个学者 employee, upon appointment to an 免除任命, shall be allowed to retain her/his 学术雇员任期.

In the event an 免除员工 is to be reassigned, the President shall give the 以下书面通知:

  1. Thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the reassignment where the new assignment 在同一级别(或更高)和相同的薪水(或更高).
  2. Ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the reassignment where the new assignment is at a lower level of salary or where the reassignment is to a teaching, counseling, 或其他非行政职务.
  3. Thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the reassignment whenthe College Board 宣布了财政紧急状况.

The President may waive the notice requirement with concurrence by the affected employee.


In the event a regular 免除员工 is to be separated from employment, the President 须发出不少于下列的书面通知:

  1. Ninety (90) days’ notice of 分离 prior to the effective date of the employee's 分离. A decision 分离 an employee from employment may be made for any reason and the notice of 分离 is not required to include the basis for the decision 分离.
  2. Thirty (30) days’ notice of dismissal prior to the effective date of termination when the employee is being terminated for cause prior to the end of the appointment.
  3. Thirty (30) days’ notice of 分离 prior to the effective date of 分离 when the employee is being separated due to financial exigency, following a Board declaration of a financial emergency when the source of funds supporting the appointment are operating 美元, or following notice from a funding source that the funds are ending when the funds supporting the position are special contract, grant or non-operating 美元.

Notice of 分离 or dismissal is not required for a temporary 免除员工 完成他们的临时任命. 在临时豁免的情况下,员工 appointment is to be terminated prior to completion of the temporary appointment, the College administrator having supervisory and budget authority over the position 须发出不少于下列的书面通知:

  • Fifteen (15) days’ notice of 分离 prior to the effective date of 分离 when the employee is being separated due to a regular appointment having been made 到这个位置.
  • Thirty (30) days notice of dismissal prior to the effective date of termination when the employee is being terminated for cause during the course of the appointment.
  • Thirty (30) days’ notice of 分离 prior to the effective date of termination when the employee is being separated due to financial exigency, following a Board declaration of a financial emergency when the source of funds supporting the appointment are operating 美元, or following notice from a funding source that the funds are ending when the funds supporting the position are special contract, grant or non-operating 美元.


获豁免的雇员可随时辞职. 为了保持在好 standing with the College, the 免除员工 must provide not less than the following 以书面通知其委任机构:

  • An Executive or Administrative Employee – at least 28 calendar day’s notice of resignation 在辞职生效日期之前. 行政人员 are encouraged to and should provide not less than 90 calendar days notice whenever 可能的.
  • A Professional Employee – at least 14 calendar day’s notice of resignation prior to 辞职生效日期. 专业员工被鼓励这样做,也应该这样做 尽可能提供不少于30个日历日的通知.
  • The notice requirements may be waived by mutual agreement of the appointing authority 受影响的员工.

Following receipt of written notice of resignation to the appointing authority, the College will respond with written acknowledgement of the resignation.

The resigning employee does not have any rights to withdraw a resignation; however the appointing authority may permit withdrawal of a resignation at any time prior 至辞职生效之日止.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and information regarding the reassignment or termination of an 免除员工, or the resignation by the 免除员工.


This policy applies to all 免除员工s, except the President of the College.



Board Resolution 75-6 Appointing Authority for Administrative and Academic Personnel 《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》第28B条.50.教员终身职位-行政职位保留 任命.

行政政策ADSV 201 -任命


任命 – the position to which an employee has been hired, except that after hire, the position 员工被分配到的工作.

