


首页stay is an exciting and unique way to learn about American culture and improve 英语语言能力.  It is much more than just renting a room or having a landlord.  As a TCC 首页stay student, you will live with one of our local host families who will help you adjust to living in the U.S. They will include you in their family life and provide support that will help you succeed in your studies. 筛选所有的TCC主机 by TCC and receive an orientation and ongoing support from our International 项目 办公室.   

TCC has hosts from many different backgrounds.  Some have children at home, others 不.  Some host more than one international student.  澳门威尼斯人在线赌场有单亲寄宿父母 夫妻也一样.  TCC hosts represent a wide variety of race, ethnicity, religious practice, age, and even national origin.  有些人曾在美国.S. 几代人 while others are immigrants who were international students themselves.每台主机上 is different so each homestay is a different experience.  澳门威尼斯人在线赌场会看你的兴趣 and requests and the interests and requests of host families to make the best match 可能的.  

首页stay placements are quarterly commitments (3 months).  在每个季度末, you have the option of staying with your host, changing to a new host, or moving out 寄宿家庭.  Many students will live with the same family for their entire time at TCC and form lifelong connections.

首页stay Application 最后期限


首页stay Application Deadline

Arrival 日期 for Airport Pick-up



9月. 16-17, 2023


11月. 30, 2023

12月. 16-17, 2023


2月. 29, 2024






Complete 首页stay, private  room


Complete 首页stay, shared room


Partial 首页stay, private  room


Partial 首页stay, shared room


The homestay fees are per month and paid directly to the host family. 所有费用均为 subject to change without notice. 

Additionally, a one-time 首页stay Placement Fee of $350 and will be charged to your student account once you accept your host family placement.  它将成为…的一部分 your student balance along with tuition, insurance, and other college charges.  这 charge is seperate from the monthly homestay fee that is paid directly to the host.  TCC charges this fee to cover costs associated with processing the homestay application 确保寄宿家庭的安全.  The 首页stay Placement fee covers a student's entire time at TCC, even if you change host families or even if you move out temporarily 然后再回到寄宿家庭.


As soon as you receive your visa, complete the items below.  首页stay cannot be guaranteed until both of these items are complete.

  1. 提交 New Student Registration Form
  2. 遵循 New International Student Steps

Applications that have note completed these items will remain on a Wait List and may 失去他们在队伍中的位置.

Please read before you start your homestay application:

Unfortunately the application does not have a save function and must be completed 一次坐下来.  Here are some things to prepare ahead of time:

  1. a scan or photo of your passport photo page for ID verification
  2. an introduction photo that we will provide your host family (something fun that shows 你的个性)
  3. a short (30 seconds or less) introduction video for your host family
  4. a 2-3 paragraph introduction letter for your host family.  你们应该谈谈 like your family, what you plan to study at TCC, what your interests are, what you are excited about, and anything else that comes to mind.
  5. also think about special requests or needs (like dietary restrictions or pet allergies) 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场也会问这些问题



After you apply, please review the following resources:

  1. 复习和理解 住宿手册
  2. 遵守所有 New International Student Steps
  3. 提供到达信息 (provide arrival information for airport pick up)
  4. Pay the Placement Fee with tuition (the placement fee is charged to your student account.

TCC begins the matching process following the application deadline for that specific 术语. 这个过程需要2-4周

Applying early DOES give you priority in the matching process, but we 不 make host family assingments until after you confirm your visa.  已经有 an approved visa may have priority over students who applied earlier, but 不 have 还有签证吗?.  All students will receive their family's profile approximately 2 weeks 抵达前. 

If you are experiencing a delay in receiving your visa or booking your flight, please make sure to communicate with TCC国际住宅 截止日期前.



Email: international_housing@yn17car.com